Online Programs

Invite transformation into your life,

let go of old wounds and show the world who you really are.

Coming Soon!

Overcoming Overwhelm: A Self Love Course

A Journey Back to you.

Do you feel guilty doing things for yourself? Are you constantly putting everyone else’s needs before your own? Do you struggle to assert yourself, or rely on other people to make decisions for you?

Self Love means allowing yourself to take up space.  It means letting go of the shameful stories about what you deserve and what you are worthy of. Self Love means being at ease with yourself, with making mistakes, with asserting yourself and releasing embarrassment or shame.  It allows you to be truly authentic because you accept yourself exactly where you are at in this moment.  It is knowing that you are enough.  Self love is not selfish, it is not demanding or draining or overly self-indulgent, it is fluid, it is kind, it is freeing.

My self love course is permission to believe in yourself, to relax and allow yourself to enjoy being you. It will give you the foundations to love yourself in mind, body, heart and spirit. 

If you have the ability to love,
love yourself first.
— Charles Bukowski
Online Healing Program Gold Coast

Journey to Wholeness:

Heal Your Inner Child

Were you the black sheep of the family? As a child, did you feel as though you couldn’t do anything right? Are you constantly shying away from difficult conversations or conflict?

I am currently creating an Inner Child Healing Program designed to help you reconnect with your authentic self. If you struggled to be seen or heard during childhood then this program is for you. This course will help you navigate the wounds of the past and release them so that you can become the person you were always meant to be. When you don’t feel valued or recognised for who you are then you create a false persona. You create an identity based on the attributes that get you the attention or results you require.

My Inner Child healing program will begin to remove the layers of false persona you have created to reveal the authentic version of you hiding beneath.

  • Ancestral Healing

    Become familiar with how your ancestors have shaped who you are today and release their wounds so that you no longer carry them.

  • Past Life Karma

    A short course allowing you to let go of karma from previous lives and experience more freedom, and less reactivity, in this lifetime.

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  • Work with Me

    Perhaps you’d prefer to work with me one-on-one. To find out more about my offerings, click here.