Inner Child Program

Invite transformation into your life,

let go of old wounds and show the world who you really are.

Online Healing Program Gold Coast

Journey to Wholeness

Heal Your Inner Child

I am excited to announce that I am currently creating an Inner Child Healing Program designed to help you reconnect with your authentic self. If you struggled to be seen or heard during childhood then this program is for you. When we don’t feel valued or recognised for who we are then we create a false persona. We create an identity based on the attributes that get us the attention or results we require. Sadly, that false identity limits you and prevents you from being truly happy. You end up compromising your needs and desires for the sake of survival or likeability -aka people-pleasing.

My Inner Child healing program will seek to remove the layers of false persona you have created to reveal the authentic version of you hiding beneath. If you have a heart wish, it is because it is achievable. The only person preventing you from realising it is you. This course will help you navigate the wounds of the past and release them so that you can become the person you were always meant to be.

What Can I Expect?

  • Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

    They’re not yours anyway! Empower yourself with new belief systems that more accurately reflect who you are and what you are worthy of. Self acceptance is a key element of positive and long-lasting change.

  • Heal Past Wounds

    Are there certain situations which cause you pain every time you think about them? We will reveal the underlying wounds which make these situations so painful. Releasing the hurt diminishes their power and transforms the quality of your relationships.

  • Put an End to People-Pleasing

    Bring awareness to all the ways you are sacrificing your personal happiness for the sake of others. Develop confidence in your ability to ask for what you need, and learn to express yourself authentically.

  • Release Toxic Shame

    Shame and guilt are common tactics used by well-meaning parents. Sadly these become factors limiting your ability to be fully authentic, encouraging you to build walls to hide behind. Imagine the person you’d be without it!

  • Develop Healthy Boundaries

    As you become stronger and more aware of what truly feels good and what doesn’t, you will get better at setting boundaries and looking after your own energy.

  • Become Less Emotionally Reactive

    When old wounds are triggered we become reactive. Perhaps you get angry, sad or defensive. Healing the underlying wounds decreases your reactivity so they don’t have the same control over you anymore.

  • Bring Ease and Flow into Your Relationships

    Your need to control outcomes will lessen as you invite in greater levels of trust. Your relationships will become more harmonious and you will become more accepting.

  • Increase Self-Love, Self-Worth and Self-Esteem

    Tearing away the layers of inter-generational suffering, karma and ancestral wounds, allows you to open up to greater levels of self-love. Releasing all that was never yours to carry.

  • Become More Grounded

    Releasing triggers allows for greater levels of inner freedom. Freedom from reactivity and the need to control will take you out of survival mode and into thriving mode!

  • Raise Your Frequency

    As you shed all the lower vibrational energies of fear. lack, and self-loathing your energetic frequency rises and you align with higher potentials for happiness, harmony and abundance. And who doesn’t want that?!

Why Heal your inner child?

Why Heal Your Inner Child?

Often hidden beneath the surface, unresolved emotions from our childhood can hinder personal growth, relationships, and overall well-being.

Inner Child work involves reparenting oneself to release childhood trauma. A healthy childhood is filled with love, connection and emotional safety, The absence of an emotionally available and supportive parent or caregiver creates an environment where children feel scared and alone, where one or more of their basic survival needs go unmet.

Our society encourages emotional abandonment, leaving the child to ‘Cry it Out’, spend time in the ‘Naughty Corner’ or learn to self soothe because their primary carer is physically unavailable. These societal norms all create Attachment Trauma in young children, which manifests later in our adult relationships as anxiety, avoidance or both.

Inner Child Healing involves revisiting key incidents in childhood which have created triggers, behaviours or patterns in adulthood, allowing you to nurture the hurting child within and show them the love and support they needed at that time of childhood vulnerability. Inner Child Healing offers you the opportunity to confront and heal these emotional wounds, creating space for profound personal growth and a renewed sense of self.